CoLabs Training
All users receive individual training sessions for each microscope, the analysis stations, or support equipment they wish to use. The sessions are tailored to each user’s experience, aptitude, and overall comfort with the instrument. For our more advanced microscope systems there can be 2-4 training sessions including supervised experiments before unaccompanied access is granted.
Please follow the ‘New User’ link to read the BIDC user policies and request trainings.
We offer office hours (typically Tuesdays 2-4pm) by appointment.
We offer periodic workshops that are recorded and available for review, including introductions to R, python, and single-cell sequencing analysis.
For an office hours appointment email us at
Workshop links and other resources are available at
We offer NGS-related consulting with every project. Ideally, groups should contact us to set up a consult prior to carrying out the planned experiment. These consultations are available on a weekly basis at flexible times.During these consultations we can discuss all issues related to Next Generation Sequencing based experiments, in particular, RNA-seq and single cell RNA-seq. This can include experimental design concerns, sample handing techniques, RNA/DNA extraction methods, nucleic acid quality control, appropriate methods on NGS library prep, sequencing strategies and bioinformatic analysis methods. Please email for more information. You may also see our Getting Started page (
- Flow Cytometry training – Analyzer & Sorters
- Theoretical
- Hands-on
- CyTOF Training
- Hands-on
- Staining & Ab Conjugation
- MIBI Training
- Hands-on
- Ab Conjugation
- Operator training [partner w/ other Cores]
- Summer Internship
Please Visit:
Development of antibody panel for flow or mass cytometry.
Flow/mass cytometry-analysis.
Tissue digestion and cell preparation for Single-cell genomics pipeline.
Please Contact: and for scheduling training and detail programs