CoLabs offers many technologies used for analysis of biological specimens. These highly specialized platforms and approaches may fall under the purview of one CoLab Team, but often combines the expertise of many CoLabs. Information about each technology, including recharge rates, can be found on each technology page:
Flow & Mass Cytometry | cell sorters and cell analyzers |
Optical Microscopy | confocal, widefield, spinning disk, multiphoton, and light sheet |
Genomics | bulk and single cell sequencing |
Spatial Omics | spatial transcriptomics and spatial proteomics |
Computational Biology | process, analyze, and interpret large datasets |
Immune Monitoring | characterize immune microenvironments in diseases |
Ways to Work with CoLabs
CoLabs is designed to allow our collaborators to work closely with us to integrate multiple technologies to address complex biomedical problems. We have resources to support collaborations, from grant preparation to standardized workflows. You can learn more about multidisciplinary collaborations with CoLabs at our CoProjects page.
We curate and maintain equipment for flow and mass cytometry and optical microscopy for use by UCSF and external investigators, and we provide training on these instruments. CoLabs scientists are also able to analyze your specimens submitted to us using approaches in genomics, spatial omics, flow and mass cytometry, and optical microscopy.
Courses and hands-on training are provided for all users of CoLabs equipment. Please visit the flow and mass cytometry and optical microscopy pages to learn about training opportunities. Members of all CoLabs teams are available to consult about experimental design provide advice about laboratory methods for immune monitoring.
We provide analysis support for data generated in CoLabs using many of our technologies. Depending on the project, this may include analysis performed by CoLabs staff, user access to workstations with licensed software, online resources such as code and pipelines, and office hours to discuss your dataset. Visit Computational Biology to learn more about what we offer. Specific analysis considerations should always be discussed before starting a project.

Courtesy of the D2B CoLab
CoLabs is continually evaluating new technologies that may add important novel capabilities for the UCSF research community. Upcoming vendor presentations and on-site demonstrations are featured on our Events page. Please contact us if you have suggestions about new technology that CoLabs may wish to consider.