


Flow Cytometry CoLab is hosting an event with BD Biosciences

New Frontiers in Flow Cytometry: Integrating Real Time Imaging with Spectral Cytometry

Date: Monday, September 16th, 2024
Time: 10am - 3pm
Location: Clinical Sciences Building (CS-0101), 521 Parnassus Ave, San Francisco CA 94143

You’re invited! Please join us for a day of learning about the BD FACSDiscover S8 Cell Sorter with BD CellView Image Technology and BD SpectralFX Technology. Learn more about these innovations and how they are driving the evolution of research around the world.
This event will feature talks by our scientists and engineers discussing the latest in spectral and imaging technology, and will include best practices for building and improving your spectral panels.
A light breakfast and lunch will be provided, please register here in order to reserve your seat and meals.




Interest survey: Whole Slide Scanner

CoLabs is looking to bring a whole slide scanner to the Parnassus campus. This technology allows for high throughput scanning of H&E and IF tissue section slides and provide high resolution digital images to users. If you are interested, please fill out this brief survey by Tuesday, Sept 10.







Poll: Leica Cell DIVE demo

Aug-Sept, 2024

CoLabs is organizing a demo for Leica’s Cell DIVE spatial proteomics multiplex immunofluorescence and imaging system. We are conducting a poll to find out who is interested in this technology allowing dozens of antibody channels on fixed tissue sections, and also ensure that everyone interested can see and test the instrument.

For more information and to sign up for updates, please take our brief survey.



CoLabs is hosting a table at the Faculty Resource and Networking Fair

Monday, September 9, 2024
4-6 pm
Mission Bay Conference Center, Fisher Banquet Room

CoLabs is attending the Faculty Resource and Networking Fair (in person) hosted by the UCSF Office of Faculty and Academic Affairs. Visit our table and learn how CoLabs can help your research program grow!

This event features knowledgeable staff and resources from over 40 programs and services that support faculty at UCSF. Light refreshments provided. Get more information.




Biological Imaging Development CoLab is hosting an Imaging & Analysis Workshop led by Leica

July 19, 2024 

Cell DIVE Multiplexed Imaging with Aivia AI-based image analysis software

What if you could map every cell in a tissue by phenotype, expression profile, and morphology?

Cell DIVE is a precise, open multiplexing solution that lets your research dictate the level of automation required, which antibodies to use, how to build your antibody panel, and more. Aivia AI image analysis software is designed to improve accuracy, streamline workflows, and enhance data exploration. Your complete end-to-end workflow to insight generation, Aivia unlocks all the value of your data within a single platform.

Speakers: Rick Heil-Chapdelaine, Spatial Biology Specialist Olivia Creasey, Aivia Sales and Apps Specialist

Seminar: July 19th, 12pm Webinar

Zoom Link 
Meeting ID: 950 4784 0562
Password: 563255

Torsten Wittmann, PhD – Director BIDC
Phone: (415) 476-4550


BIDC Webinar


Luis Barreiro, PhD

Special presentation by visiting professor Luis Barreiro, PhD.

April 30, 2024

Please join us to this special presentation by visiting professor Luis Barreiro, PhD.

“SOPs for Single Cell Data Collection in Large, Diverse Cohorts”

 Tuesday April 30, 10:10am at CoLabs Yosemite conference room (S-857)

Refreshments will be served.

Dr. Barreiro, is a professor at the University of Chicago, Section of Genetic Medicine Chair of Committee on Genetics, Genomics & Systems Biology.

He will describe the current efforts that his lab is doing to generate population-level single cell maps of immune variation across different human populations.

He will discuss the SOPs that they are using to collect blood samples in the field, cryopreservation of PBMCs, and the strategies that they are using in order to be able to profile at single cell resolution the immune response of PBMCs of hundreds of individuals to multiple pathogenic agents. 



2024 UCSF CCMBM & Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Scientific Retreat

2024 UCSF CCMBM & Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Scientific Retreat - Fueling MSK Health and Discovery with Data Science, Technology, and Digital Health

March 12-13, 2024

This scientific event, entitled “Fueling MSK Health and Discovery with Data Science, Technology, and Digital Health”, brings together research scientists, clinicians, and patients to explore recent advances and opportunities in the fields of data science, tech, and digital health as they intersect with musculoskeletal research and clinical practice. Preeminent speakers from the Bay Area and throughout the country will join together to share cutting edge research and management frameworks across the biological, rehabilitative, imaging, and epidemiologic sciences. Distinguished guests include Dr. Rob Reich of Stanford University; Dr. Anita Ho from the UCSF Bioethics Program; Dr. Marina Sirota from the UCSF Bakar Computational Health Sciences Institute; NIH ODSS Director Dr. Susan Gregurick; members of the Center for Intelligent Imaging; members of UCSF Data Sciences CoLab; members of UCSF Academic Research Services and Versa AI; and members of the Stanford Healthcare AI Team.

Please join us for this special two-day retreat sponsored by the NIH P30 Core Center for Musculoskeletal Biology and Medicine (CCMBM) and the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery. We will convene in-person for this year's event at UCSF's Mission Bay Campus, Genentech Hall, 600 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94158.

Register for this event here

When: Tuesday March 12, 5:30 - 8pm  and   Wednesday, March 13, 8am - 5pm

Where: Mission Bay Campus, Genentech Hall, 600 16th St, San Francisco, CA 94158.

Fueling MSK Health and Discovery with Data Science, Technology, and Digital Health


Xenium in situ Launch Event at UCSF Genomics CoLab

Xenium in situ Launch Event at UCSF Genomics CoLab

November, 2023

The 10x Genomics subcellular spatial profiling platform, Xenium, is now at UCSF and available as a service through the UCSF Genomics CoLab. In this seminar, we will introduce our high-plex in situ spatial technology with subcellular resolution.

The Xenium platform reveals new insights into cellular structure and function by performing high-throughput mapping of 100s of RNA targets in their true tissue context. The platform includes a versatile and easy-to-use instrument, sensitive and specific chemistry, a diverse menu of customizable panels, and powerful visualization software. Join us for a look at Xenium and learn how it can seamlessly be implemented in your research today. In this webinar, you will:

● Get an overview of the platform, including current and future capabilities

● Learn how the easy-to-implement workflow minimizes hand-ons time and explore our expertly curated, validated and customizable panels

● See how the Xenium Explorer desktop software enables interactive data exploration Attendees will have a chance to receive a discount off their first Xenium kit.

Register for this event here 

When: Wednesday, November 1511:30AM - 1 PM

Where: HSW-302

Speaker: Samantha Shelton, PhD. Science and Technology Advisor - 10x Genomics


Flow CoLab Presents Build Bigger, Better Panels with StarBrightTM Dyes from Bio-Rad

Flow CoLab Presents: Build Bigger, Better Panels with StarBrightTM Dyes from Bio-Rad, by Anjilna Wali

September, 2023

With the advancement of technology, flow cytometers are now able to detect a much greater range of fluorescent dyes, facilitating the analysis of more extensive and complex multicolor immunophenotyping assays. However, this has also introduced more pitfalls to navigate during experimental design.

Join this lunch and learn seminar to find out how StarBright Dyes and best practice can help circumvent many of these issues, enabling consistent and reliable results.

When: Friday, September 22nd, 11AM - 1 PM

Where: S-857, Medical Sciences Building



The 2023 ICBI Hackathon is Coming Up! 

August, 2023

CoLabs and ImmunoX are gearing up once again to hold the upcoming ICBI 2023 Hackathon on Thursday August 24th and Friday August 25th. The event draw participants with diverse perspectives, including clinical fellows, postdoctoral researchers, staff scientists and PhD students.  

Over the course of the two-day in-person event, teams will work together to analyze the complex phenotypes of autoimmune disease using single-cell sequencing data from human samples. Similar to previous years, winning teams will be announced at the ImmunoX annual retreat and awarded cash prizes! 

Gabi Fragiadakis, PhD, Director of the Data Science CoLab, is the faculty organizer, with help from ImmunoX administrator Jonathan Wilson. If you have any questions concerning the hackathon or its time requirements, please contact Jonathon at


Biolegent Coffee

Coffee Hour

August 3rd, 2023

You are invited to enjoy some coffee and snacks while chatting about Multicolor Flow Cytometry and TotalSeq, including new dyes, building and optimizing new staining panels, sample sizes and testing reagents, single protein and transcriptome. 

When: August 3rd, 12-2pm

Where: Parnassus FlowCore Lab (S854)

Any questions on portfolio and research reagents is welcome!

Contact: Anupama Ganash


10X Sequencing

Coffee Hour

August 2nd,  2023

10x experts will be answering any questions to ensure you get the best 10x single-cell results. Time slots can be scheduled, but walk-ups are also welcome!

When: August 2nd, 1-3pm

Where: Parnassus FlowCore Lab (S854)

For questions, please contact: Brian Chan and Samantha.Shelton


1st Biannual 2023 Symposium

1st Biannual 2023 Symposium Highlighting Cancer Research at Parnassus

May, 22, 2023

Spatial Profiling to Dissect Cellular Networks Across Diseases
Monday, May 22, 2023 | 9:45 am - 4:30 pm
HSW 301, Parnassus Campus

This event is free. Please register here.

Parnassus Cancer Research Symposia. This series aims to enhance cohesion and collaboration between cancer researchers within the Parnassus Campus, as well as with other HDFCCC locations.


 Twist Bioscience

The IHG Seminar Series

April 25, 2023

Join us for coffee and pastries or pizza at our Technology Seminar Series with Twist Bioscience on April 25th at either Parnassus, 10-11am Campus Library CL-221&222 or Mission Bay 1-2pm Helen Diller Cancer Center Bldg. HD-160.

 Twist Bioscience will be presenting the latest in innovative short and long-read NGS enrichment for DNA, RNA, methylation sites, including custom panels to target relevant biology.

Register through the Eventbrite links according to the campus session you'd like to attend:

Parnassus -

Mission Bay -



The IHG Seminar Series

The IHG Seminar Series

March 23rd, 2023

Please join us on Thursday, March 23rd at 3pm at the Parnassus Campus – HSW-302 to hear David Erle, MD and Katherine Hyland, PhD give presentations about their current and exciting work!

For in-person attendees there will be snacks and refreshments in the main HSW Lobby at our reception from 4-4:30pm.

Zoom information:

Meeting ID: 937 4755 1627

Password: 702945

IHG Special Seminar w/10X Genomics

IHG Special Tech Seminar with 10X Genomics 

March 14th, 2023

Please join us for a Special Tech Seminar hosted by IHG & 10X Genomics on Tuesday, March 14th.

Parnassus on at 10am in HSW #300.

Coffee and pastry will be provided!


Mission Bay 1pm, Hellen Diller Cancer Bldg - HD 160

Lunch will be provided!


Please contact for more questions

Technology Seminar Series

Technology Seminar Series: February 28th - 10am Parnassus or @ 1pm Mission Bay!

February 28th, 2023

Join us for coffee and bagels or pizza at our third Technology Seminar Series with Vizgen on February 28th at either Parnassus, 10-11am HSW 303 or Mission Bay 1-2pm HD-160! Additional details are in the flier and email below.

Vizgen's talk title is "Discovery is in the Details: Gaining Comprehensive Views of Genomes and Transcriptomes through HiFi"

Please register through the Eventbrite links according to the campus session you are attending:
Parnassus -
Mission Bay -


Practice of Science Open Forums ImmunoX

Practice of Science Open Forums ImmunoX- February 24th 12pm at Parnassus, CS-0101 

February 24th, 2023

Practice of Science Open Forums are community events designed to share information about how we each best do our science. Their goals are help instruct trainees on skills which will be useful in their careers and also to share best ideas amongst our leaders. 

"Engaging Collaborators"

David Erle

Professor, Department of Medicine

Gabriela Fragiadakis

Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine

Lawrence Fong

Professor, Department of Medicine

Mi-Ok Kim

Professor, Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics


Panel Host and Series Organizer-Mary Helen Barcellos-Hoff

Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology

Technology  Seminar Series with Nanomosaic

Technology Seminar Series with NanoMosaic - January 10th at Parnassus, 10-11am HSW 303 and Mission Bay 1-2pm HD-160

January 10th, 2023


Join us for our second Technology Seminar Series with NanoMosaic on January 10th at either Parnassus, 10-11am HSW 303 or Mission Bay 1-2pm HD-160.  Additional details are in the flier and email below.NanoMosaic will be speaking about the next generation protein interrogation powered by nanoneedles, enabling early disease detection, prognostic monitoring and biomarker discovery on a single plate. Also discussed will be the following:

  • NanoMosaic’s nanoneedle technology to achieve higher sensitivity, wider dynamic range, and lower sample volume requirements in biomarker discovery research 
  1. How the platform works
  2. Benefits of NanoMosaic compared to other proteomic and biomarker assays (Quanterix, MSD, Luminex, ELISA)  
  • Recent data and publications leveraging NanoMosaic technology (including neurology/Alzheimer’s, AAV, and cell therapy research) 
  • Customization assay capabilities for individualized proteomic and/or nucleic acid research
  • Q&A + follow-up info for assay development projects
Please register through the Eventbrite links according to the campus session you are attending:
Parnassus -
Mission Bay -