Contact Us
For inquiries about specific technologies, please contact the team director.
Biological Imaging Development CoLab (BIDC) Torsten Wittmann
Data Science (DS) Gabriela Fragiadakis
Disease to Biology (D2B) Alexis Combes
Flow Cytometry Vinh Nguyen
Genomics Walter Eckalbar
For questions regarding CoProjects and the CoLabs Postbac research program, please contact:
Andrea Barczak
513 Parnassus Ave, Box 0578
Office: MSB8- 847B
San Francisco, CA 94143
For administrative help, please contact:
Administrative Manager, Fernanda Albarracin
513 Parnassus Ave, Box 0578
Office: MSB8- 847
San Francisco, CA 94143
Mailing address
Mail Box 0578
513 Parnassus Avenue, S-847
San Francisco, CA 94143
Administrative offices
CoLabs administrative offices and Lab spaces are based on the eighth floor of the Medical Sciences Building (MSB-8) on the Parnassus campus of UCSF. *The BIDC team is based on MSB-11.
Find us on Google Maps.