
For inquiries about specific technologies, please contact the team director.

Biological Imaging Development CoLab (BIDC): Torsten Wittmann
Data Science (DS)Gabriela Fragiadakis
Disease to Biology (D2B)Alexis Combes
Flow CytometryVinh Nguyen
GenomicsWalter Eckalbar

For questions regarding CoProjects, please contact: 

Chief Strategist: Andrea Barczak
513 Parnassus Ave, Box 0578
Office: MSB8- 847B
San Francisco, CA 94143

For administrative help, please contact:

Administrative Manager: Fernanda Albarracin
513 Parnassus Ave, Box 0578
Office: MSB8- 847
San Francisco, CA 94143


Mailing address

Mail Box 0578
513 Parnassus Avenue, S-847
San Francisco, CA 94143

Administrative offices

CoLabs administrative offices and Lab spaces are based on the eighth floor of the Medical Sciences Building (MSB-8) on the Parnassus campus of UCSF. *The BIDC team is based on MSB-11.

Find us on Google Maps.

Learn about CoProjects

CoProjects are a series of shared projects designed to integrate our community through common pipelines and data curation. CoLabs CoProjects aim to build immune profiles for untapped streams of human diseases at UCSF.