UCSF CoLabs Initiative


CoLabs is part of UCSF’s Office of Research and provides a centralized home for laboratories with experts and specialized equipment required for many studies performed at UCSF. CoLabs is comprised of CoLabs Teams and works closely with other groups that have formed CoLabs Incubators and Plug-Ins.  Centralization allows for close working relationships between CoLabs group with complementary expertise. 


CoProjects represent the fullest realization of our collaborative culture. CoProjects are full collaborations between investigators based in CoLabs and other investigators not based in CoLabs. For CoProjects, most or all experimental work is performed in CoLabs by some combination of CoLabs investigators and collaborators, and collaborators may be embedded in CoLabs where they will have access to experts and facilities needed for the work.

For projects that do not fit with the CoProject model, we offer other models, including recharge and subscription systems, for access to expertise, training, equipment, and protocols.
CoLabs is a campus resource based in the UCSF Office of Research. We gratefully acknowledge critical logistical and financial support from the Bakar ImmunoX Initiative and the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost.