Parnassus Advanced Light Microscopy CoLab

PALM is formerly known as the Biological Imaging Development CoLab (BIDC). We recently changed our name to unify microscopy groups across UCSF campus and reflect our sister core CALM at Mission Bay. For more information, please visit Microscopy @ UCSF.

The primary mission of the Parnassus Advanced Light Microscopy (PALM) CoLab is to provide the UCSF scientific community with access to cutting-edge optical microscopy. We also develop and bring new technologies to campus, lower the entry barrier for researchers to perform quantitative and advanced light microscopy, and offer support in both data acquisition and analysis through collaborations, consultations, and training. Our current instrument portfolio includes laser scanning confocal microscopes, a multiphoton system for intra vital imaging, a super-resolution spinning disk confocal optimized for live cell microscopy and optogenetics, as well as platforms for spatial proteomics and large volume light sheet microscopy.

Recent PALM Publications

Learn about CoProjects, Incubators, and Plug-in Labs

CoProjects are a series of shared projects designed to integrate our community through common pipelines and data curation. CoLabs CoProjects aim to build immune profiles for untapped streams of human diseases at UCSF.